Beverly Hills Divorce Lawyers
Beverly Hills Divorce Lawyers
Successfully navigating a divorce requires a steady approach in an emotionally charged environment. The guidance of a trusted Beverly Hills divorce lawyer can be the compass pointing you in the right direction. The decisions made now will impact life after divorce, and we believe in providing clients with information that allows them to make impactful choices to improve their lives.
When you work with our Beverly Hills divorce lawyers at S.L Pitts PC will make seeking your best interests our priority. Our California family law attorneys will treat your sensitive information with the care and discretion it deserves while offering viable solutions for complex circumstances. Let us focus on the legal aspects of your divorce to provide solutions that fit your needs.
Choosing a Divorce Attorney Near Me Law Firm in Beverly Hills, CA
We recognize you have choices when searching for divorce attorneys near me in Beverly Hills. Choosing a team with core values that benefit your best interests is a priority. Expect these qualities in a divorce lawyer with the S.L Pitts PC family law practice:
- 25 years of experience revolving around protecting our clients’ best interests
- Respectful interactions with everyone we encounter in the divorce process to foster the possibility of accomplishing goals that benefit you
- Quality is a valued characteristic of every service we provide
- A focus on privacy and discernment in your most personal moments and our interactions with you
- Honest, straightforward advice providing foundational support for concise decision-making
- Creative, problem-solving solutions by a team that meets regularly to review our ideas and strategies
In your search for divorce lawyers near me, a divorce attorney with our team is ready to listen to your needs and provide you with information about our experience in navigating complex divorce processes. Our steadying presence in moments of uncertainty provides comfort and quality legal support.
Grounds for Divorce in Beverly Hills, CA
California allows for the dissolution of marriage on two grounds. You and your partner may plead irreconcilable differences that lead to the marriage’s breakdown. A spouse may also dissolve the marriage if their partner suffers a permanent legal incapacity. Because of California’s no-fault laws in divorce, it is not necessary to prove another spouse is at fault in the marriage’s demise.
A divorce lawyer with our firm can review the requirements for a divorce in Beverly Hills, CA, to ensure you have the legal right to pursue a dissolution of marriage. Legal separation may provide a divorce alternative until you meet the legal requirements for divorce. Having an experienced guide through the divorce process can prevent paperwork errors and other mistakes that prolong a divorce, increase costs, and prevent you from moving forward.
Beverly Hills, CA Divorce Timeline
One of the trusted divorce lawyers on our team can assist with efficiently navigating the divorce process. Starting a divorce case requires filing papers letting your spouse know of your intention to dissolve the marriage. Your spouse will also have the opportunity to respond.
One of the parties in the divorce must be able to meet both residency requirements to obtain a Beverly Hills, CA divorce:
- Six months of residency in California
- Three months of residency in Los Angeles County
Same-sex couples may have their petition to divorce accepted by the state of California without meeting these requirements when the state they currently reside in will not facilitate the legal dissolution of marriage.
The minimum time to complete a divorce in Beverly Hills, CA, is six months. This waiting period only begins once filing your paperwork is complete. However, many divorces take longer. Working through the details of a divorce may become mired in confrontational events that prolong legal action. The exceptional negotiation and mediation skills our team possesses allow you and your divorce lawyer to work towards creating mutually agreed-upon goals while stifling contentious behavior. During this stage of divorce, we can work with you to protect your finances during divorce and take other actional steps that provide financially sound options.
Benefits of Working With a Divorce Lawyer Near Me
Comfortably and confidentially speaking with your divorce lawyer is a necessary part of a successful divorce process. In understanding our clients’ needs better, the divorce attorneys with our firm can more effectively provide the navigational tools for a successful divorce and favorable future outcome. After filing your divorce petition, a divorce attorney may also provide these beneficial services to you:
- Assistance with meeting the requirements for financial disclosure within 60 days of filing a petition and all additional paperwork
- Working with a team of professionals to create a financial profile for complex high-asset divorces
- Facilitating the valuation and division of assets
- Requesting orders for temporary support and assisting with requests for determinations in final alimony and child support
- Help identifying often overlooked assets and the warning signs that a spouse is hiding property
- Navigating interstate and international laws that apply to your divorce
- Reviewing the terms of marital agreements
- Assistance with documenting requests for deviations from standard child support amounts
- Filing legal actions in response to incidents of domestic violence or child safety concerns
Because we tailor our services to meet each client’s needs, this list may not include all the services available to you. Our previous experience with high-net-worth families and divorce provides insight into assisting business owners in divorce, navigating divorce taxation, and tackling issues surrounding executive and derivative compensation plans.
Reducing Your Risk in Divorce
The team at S.L. Pitts PC offers exceptional guidance on risk management reduction in a Beverly Hills, CA, divorce. Our clients experiencing complex high-asset divorces face new challenges in navigating the division of assets, particularly when many assets, such as compensation plans, remain liquid until a future event occurs. Your divorce lawyer will play an essential role in identifying assets, providing a professional valuation, and outlining options for the division of assets while explaining the risks involved. Let us work to identify these and other potential risks in a divorce that may impact your financial future:
- Asset allocation risk: Assuming more risk from the allocation of an asset than your spouse without your knowledge
- Credit risk: A reduction in your credit after divorce as a result of the financial decisions during the divorce process
- Financing risk: Changes in financial profiles can reduce the ability to obtain financial backing
- Insurance risk: Divorce can impact life, health, disability, and property insurance policies
- Liquidity risk: The inability to liquidate an asset or investment before market changes impact its price
- Settlement structure risk: Failing to obtain a thorough assessment of your future financial needs once a divorce is final
- Tax risk: Identifying specific attributes resulting from allocating or selling assets and determining options to minimize tax exposure in asset division in divorce
Coordinating with investment professionals provides you with avenues to reduce loss and continue to benefit from your hard work and sacrifice in growing a business. Seeking sound valuations for professional goodwill or complex stock plans is only one way we strive to address complex matters in high-asset divorces. Our Beverly Hills divorce attorneys offer decades of experience that can benefit your business throughout the legal process.
Privacy in a Beverly Hills, CA Divorce
Divorce records are public legal documents. We respect and understand your desire for privacy. We will seek protective orders to protect sensitive information about a divorce when possible. Other alternative approaches to the divorce process in Beverly Hills, CA, may allow you and your partner to establish private contractual agreements. Reviewing all your legal options with one of the Beverly Hills divorce attorneys with our firm is necessary to understand how to keep the details of a divorce private.
Alternatives to Divorce in California
If you are unsure of pursuing a divorce, you may opt for legal separation in Beverly Hills, CA. Multiple reasons exist for this legally recognized action. A divorce lawyer at S.L. Pitts PC can file orders for division of property and debts, child support, child custody, visitation, and domestic support. You may also choose legal separation if you or a spouse does not meet the requirements for filing for divorce in Beverly Hills.
Though rare, annulling a marriage may be possible. Discussing why a marriage may be legally null or void with a divorce attorney can help you determine if this alternative to divorce applies to your marriage. Filing a request for annulment must be completed within four years of the marriage date.
Gain More Control Over a Beverly Hills Divorce
Finalizing the dissolution of marriage cannot occur without you and your spouse or domestic partner working through the intricate details of life to determine property division, custody issues, and other financial decisions. The Beverly Hills divorce lawyers with our firm take pride in the creative solutions we offer. Taking a step back to analyze beneficial options for you in a divorce can provide you the ability to have more control over the circumstances surrounding your divorce.
Spouses forgo their right to make critical decisions in a divorce once a request goes to court. When possible, working toward a mutual agreement with your partner backed by the guidance of a divorce attorney with our Beverly Hills, CA law firm allows you to have a say in deciding the terms of a divorce, child custody, property division, and other choices that impact your life.
Collaborative Divorce
Working with your divorce attorney to collaborate with your partner and their legal representative allows spouses to resolve conflicts out of court. Collaborative divorces may provide more sustainable options for spouses who see eye to eye on most of the significant decisions in a divorce. The methods in collaborative divorce focus more on problem-solving and negotiating. Collaborative divorce can protect your privacy while preserving relationships with your former spouse.
Choosing the collaborative divorce process still provides you with our aggressive negotiation skills and representation. We aim to create workable solutions through a more peaceful approach when court litigation is unnecessary. Collaborating can also create a more positive environment in the future for co-parenting or making critical business decisions when divorced spouses continue to work together.
Collaborative divorce may provide a more affordable divorce option because decisions about divorce generally take less time. However, the collaborative divorce process is not guaranteed to work. When a spouse refuses to agree with the terms of collaboration, the divorce process must begin again, with each spouse retaining new divorce attorneys.
Working with a divorce attorney in Beverly Hills, CA is also beneficial during mediation. A neutral third party will work toward agreeable decisions that are written into a binding contract. Even spouses who agree on a divorce’s terms can seek out optimal choices for the future by gaining a thorough legal perspective on the impact of the formal contract drawn up by a mediator. While retaining control over critical decisions is a priority, it is vital to recognize that the formal contract is binding. Understanding the terms of an agreement is imperative.
Spouses have less control over a divorce in arbitration but retain privacy during this process. A neutral third party will make critical decisions that impact your life, similar to a judge acting in court, but in a private setting. Arbitration may provide a more cost-friendly option for divorcing than formal litigation. However, discussing your options for divorce with a Beverly Hills divorce lawyer can provide more financial security for your future when representing your best interests is the focus.
Communicating with our clients about the anticipated costs of services serves to remove any surprise in the legal fees you owe. The Beverly Hills divorce attorneys at S.L. Pitts PC take pride in providing the highest professional service to meet your needs. Our dedication to representing you is our primary focus.
Contact our Experienced Beverly Hills Divorce Lawyers
Schedule a consultation to determine the most beneficial avenue of divorce for you. The stress of divorce compounds when you face complex financial decisions without significant guidance on their future implications. Schedule a consultation with our Beverly Hills divorce lawyers at S.L Pitts PC by completing our online form or call 424-374-0385.