Divorce is generally a confusing and time-consuming process. You need to make choices regarding various elements such as dividing debt, marital assets and property. One thing some divorcing couples don’t realize is that debt is considered marital property, regardless of which person incurred it. Learn about what happens to debt during divorce and what you...
Christopher Pitts
Even kids who don’t go through a divorce have a hard time adjusting to change. When parents split up, it disrupts a child’s routine. However, Scientific American reports that the majority of children do well after a divorce, even if the first couple of years are difficult. Parents can take steps to help a child...
Children who live with both parents at least one-third of the time do better in school and have better social skills. Research from the American Coalition for Fathers & Children clearly demonstrates that children benefit from shared residential custody, even when their parents aren’t on friendly terms. One way to minimize conflict after a divorce...
Social Security benefits are available to the vast majority of the American population. The Social Security Administration (SSA) reports that 96 percent of workers qualify for these benefits. The term “workers” may cause concern for some individuals who are considering filing for or recently filed for divorce. In many cases, one spouse may have remained...
Getting a divorce is a stressful event. Not only are you ending a personal relationship with a partner you likely thought you loved, you are also ending a financial partnership with a partner you may have planned on growing old with. There are ways to protect your finances. Although both sides of the relationship are...
Those going through a divorce generally have two main concerns. First, if children are present, parents may be concerned about child custody and child support issues as well as how the process will impact their emotional development. The next concern likely centers around how assets will be split. This is decided during the property division...